Neseh + Source of Beauty + Wedding Night (HKJFF2024)
Neseh + Source of Beauty + Wedding Night (HKJFF2024)
上映日期: 2024年11月10日 片長: 91 分鐘 語言: 希伯來語(英文字幕) 級別:
Neseh: Mickey’s son is getting married today at the winery that he himself has owned and cherished for decades. For 24 years Mickey has preserved a special barrel of wine to open for this occasion. But minutes before the ceremony, the rabbi who is the kosher supervisor at the winery, witnesses a non-Jew touching the wine, thus rendering it “Neseh” (forbidden to all Jews). Mickey wants to serve the wine anyway (who’s to know?), but the rabbi is going to make damn sure it doesn’t leave the cellar. Source of Beauty: Yaeli, an ultra-Orthodox young woman, carries a secret that may destroy her chances of happiness. David, a brilliant yeshiva student, is interested in meeting Yaeli, but her father, in an attempt to protect Yaeli from humiliation, refuses to give his permission for the two young people to meet. Wedding Night: The wedding night is a night of nights in ultra-Orthodox society. On this night, a man and a woman connect physically for the very first time. These two very young people, almost complete strangers to each other, are put under enormous pressure to go from forced separation towards an intimate union. Ultra-Orthodox director Rachel Elitzur uses rare testimonies, combined with visuals from the wedding day, to create an astonishing film that is both respectful and challenging to her community.
2D, 希伯來語